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Category: Political Strategies

Articles on political campaign strategy for fundraising, social media and more.

How Many Votes Do You Need To Win?

How many votes do you need to win a local election? In its most simple form, the winning formula is: Expected Vote x .50 + 1 vote = Minimum Votes to Win (50%) Expected Vote x .52 = Comfortable Margin of Victory (52%) That’s the quick and dirty... Read More

political new years resolutions

8 New Years Resolutions for Political Candidates

There are many New Year’s resolutions that people make but few people follow through with. If you are running for office this year, here are some resolutions you might want to keep. Put together a solid political campaign plan. Today’s... Read More

running for office in 2022

One Vote Can Make All The Difference

It’s true. A single vote can change the course of a local election – or it can even change history! Consider these examples: By one vote in 1875, France chose a republican rather than a monarchical form of government. One vote cost King... Read More

6 Political Microsite Ideas

The following is a cross-post from OnlineCandidateResources.com, our memberships site that provides strategies and ideas for online campaigning. Although we discuss political microsites in our training modules, we’re going to go into a little... Read More