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Category: Run for Office

Read more about running for office. Learn about choosing the office to run for, getting a campaign started, announcing your candidacy, fundraising and building voter support.

When Should You Start Campaigning For Your Election?

If you are planning to run for office, you should start campaigning as soon as you can. That’s all. End of post. No, not really. It’s a little more complicated than that. Much of your campaigning will happen close to Election Day, but there... Read More

Listen Up! It’s Our Running For Office Podcast

Have you listened to our political podcast series, Running for Office as an Online Candidate? If you are getting started in politics, this podcast series is for you. We discuss how to run a political campaign from the digital side. We cover the tips,... Read More

How To Win A Local Election (When You’re Broke)

It doesn’t matter if you have a better grasp of the issues. It doesn’t matter if you have better qualifications than your opponents or you are a more eloquent speaker. The fact is, if you raise and spend less money than your opponent, you... Read More

What Office To Run For

What Are The Easiest Political Offices To Run For?

Running for any political position is a challenge, but some are easier than others. You may not have much political experience, or have an unconventional background. But if you know your community, just your local experiences be advantageous. You might... Read More

How to run for office

FAQs for First-Time Political Candidates

Every two years in the United States, there are over 500,000 public offices up for election. During that time, more than a million and a half candidates will seek elected office. For many of these candidates, it will be their first race. Maybe you are... Read More