Category: Email

Articles and tips on political email strategies. Email is still an effective way to reach out to supporters and voters.

Top Tips for Your Political Email Marketing

Political campaigns are always looking for new ways to reach out to potential voters. They are usually short on time, money, and resources, but they don’t want their message lost in the noise of the election season. This is why many marketing... Read More

political email lists

The Money Is In The List – Have You Started Yours?

Winning political campaigns lay the groundwork for success long before Election Day. In traditional marketing, it’s said that the money is in the mailing list. For digital marketing campaigns, that money is in the email list. If you are running... Read More

Campaign Email Templates Ebook Released

We are pleased to announce our latest ebook – Political Email Templates.  These email message templates are designed for easy editing and integration in your campaign email correspondence. Modify, reword and expand the text to suit your... Read More

Are Short Links Blocking Your Campaign Email?

Link shortening services are a great way to reduce a long URL to a nice, short one. While these services have been around for quite a while, they’ve become very popular with the rise of Twitter and Facebook. While link shortening works well for... Read More