Edit or Create a New Page

On the Admin Menu Navigation, Click  Page Management.

You will see two columns of pages. The left side is pages under your primary site navigation. The column on the right are pages assigned as sub-pages for the website navigation.

Edit a Page

  1. Click the 'Edit page' button beside the page you wish to edit.
  2. The Page Editor

    • Navigation Name: The Navigation Name is how this page will appear on your site’s navigation bar.
    • Enter Page Title. The Page Title is the name that will appear as the web page title of this page. The page title is displayed by the visitor’s browser in the border of the viewable screen as the visitor is viewing your website. This serves as an anchor so that the visitor knows where he or she is on your website. For this reason, titles need to clearly relate to their page. Most web browsers only display the first 95 characters of your title tag. For title tags longer than 95 characters, web browsers will simply crop the tag.

      In the above example, the Page Title used is shown on the right.
    • Page Description:  The meta description tag is intended to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content.  15-20 words is best.
    • Page Keywords:  A meta keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes of your page.  No more than five keywords are needed.
    • Alternate URL: Replaces the default navigation link of this page with an outside link. For example, use this when linking to an outside donation page.

      New Window: Check to have this page open in new browser window.

      New Sidebar: Check to have this appear without the normal sidebar. Good option for donation and landing pages

    • Add Forms To Page: Forms come in four types: Contact, Volunteer, Donate, Endorsement. In the Regular & Enhanced Packages, there is code for additional features such as Event List, Calendar, Galleries, RSS & Event Forms

      Forms can be added to any or all of your web pages through the Page Editor. To add a form into the generated version of the page, copy the entire {Form:XXXXX} code and paste it into the edit area on the left. The code does NOT need to be pasted directly into the html.
    • Content Area: Type/Paste Text and add photos, links etc.

  3. When you are done, click Save Page.
  4. Generate your site to push the changes live.



Create a New Page

  1. On the navigation, go to Page Management > Create New Page.
  2. Choose whether to Create a new Main Page or new Subpage. Select Main Menu Page if it is to show on the top level of the Navigation. select Sub-page if it is to appear as a sub page in the dropdown menu.
  3. This will bring you to the Page Editor
  4. Enter a new Page File Name. 15 character maximum using letters and numbers only.  The file name will appear in the web address. It  should reflect the content of the page. For example: choosing the file name endorsements for the endorsements page will show as: www.YourDomain.com/endorsements.html
  • Navigation Name: The Navigation Name is how this page will appear on your site’s navigation bar.
  • Enter Page Title. The Page Title is the name that will appear as the web page title of this page. The page title is displayed by the visitor’s browser in the border of the viewable screen as the visitor is viewing your website. This serves as an anchor so that the visitor knows where he or she is on your website. For this reason, titles need to clearly relate to their page. Most web browsers only display the first 95 characters of your title tag. For title tags longer than 95 characters, web browsers will simply crop the tag.
  • Page Description:  The meta description tag is intended to be a brief and concise summary of your page's content.  15-20 words is best.
  • Page Keywords:  A meta keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes of your page.  No more than five keywords are needed.
  • Alternate URL: Replaces the default navigation link of this page with an outside link. For example, use this when linking to an outside donation page.
  • New Window: Check to have this page open in new browser window.
  • New Sidebar: Check to have this appear without the normal sidebar. Good option for donation and landing pages

Add Forms To Page: Forms come in four types: Contact, Volunteer, Donate, Endorsement. In the Regular & Enhanced Packages, there is code for additional features such as Event List, Calendar, Galleries, RSS & Event Forms

Forms can be added to any or all of your web pages through the Page Editor. To add a form into the generated version of the page, copy the entire {Form:XXXXX} code and paste it into the edit area on the left. The code does NOT need to be pasted directly into the html.

Content Area: Type/Paste Text and add photos, links etc.

When you are done, click Save Page.

Generate your site to push the changes live.

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