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Articles on political campaign strategy and tips.

political campaigning during the holidays

Campaigning During the Holiday Season

This message came to several of our business email accounts yesterday morning: I’m Running for Congress My name is , and I’m running to be the next US Congressman for Congressional District. And the email went on for another 400 words... Read More

running for office in 2022

State Election and Voting Information Links

Below is a list of the voting and state election board information for all fifty states, including the District of Columbia. You’ll find links to each state’s filing requirements, candidate lists, campaign finance information, registration... Read More

political domain cybersquatting

Political Cybersquatting And Your Campaign

Domain squatting or cybersquatting is the term used for someone who registers a domain that infringes on another’s intellectual property or trademark. Some squatters attempt to sell names back to rightful owners for a profit, while others use the... Read More

Dos and Don’ts for Political Campaigns in 2023

To run a successful political campaign, being online isn’t an option. No matter the position being sought, digital campaigning is now firmly part of the political process. Fortunately, reaching voters through the web can be done through a variety... Read More

Spring Cleaning For Your Campaign’s Social Media

Spring is finally here! Days are getting longer, and for many it’s time for cleaning. If you are running for office, now is a great time to do a review of your campaign social media accounts. Here are some tips to get your new or existing social... Read More