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Category: Websites

Articles on building and maintaining a political campaign website. Learn how to choose and register the right domain, what you need to build a site, and tips to make your site the best it can be!

political campaign domain names

Alternate Domain Names for Campaign Websites

Sometimes the original domain name of your campaign turns out to be the wrong choice. Though you had thoughtfully considered your original domain name, as the campaign moves ahead, you find that it just isn’t working out. It might be because the... Read More

How Soon Will My Website Appear on Google?

We get asked this question a lot when clients launch their new political websites. Some people are alarmed when they don’t see themselves for a name search within hours of going live. Others know that it takes a little time to appear on Google... Read More

Fear And The Campaign Website

It’s tough enough to be a first-time candidate. Throw online campaigning and the whole computer thing into the mix, and it can be overwhelming. A lot of potential clients who contact us are really just nervous about starting a campaign website.... Read More

Critical Elements of a Campaign Website Header

Web users make  snap decisions about the quality of a web page, so a nice design is critical for making an initial positive impression. The first part of a website that typically attracts the eye is the site header. Below are the most common features... Read More