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News and updates from Online Candidate.

Online Candidate Launches Political Training Website

August, 2015. We are pleased to announce the launch of OnlineCandidateResources.com, our exclusive online political campaign strategy and resources website. The new website serves as a training and support hub for political candidates to create an... Read More

Running for Office in 2015 – Our Takeaways

With the November mid-terms out of the way, the road is clear for US candidates running for office in 2015 and 2016. The online political landscape has changed significantly over the last decade. As we move into 2015 and beyond, trends will continue to... Read More

Additional Resources For All Online Candidate Clients

Great news for Online Candidate clients! Starting this month, all of our Online Candidate campaign website packages include free access to OnlineCandidateResources.com. OnlineCandidateResources.com is designed for local campaigns who want to leverage... Read More