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Articles and tips on political campaign social media strategy for Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

Online Advertising Ideas For Political Campaigns

Political campaigns today have many options for online advertising to reach and influence voters. Candidates can now reach out based on demographics and tailor their advertisements to particular audiences. With a low cost to entry, even local... Read More

4 Pillars For A Solid Political Digital Strategy

As online political campaigning has grown in recent election cycles, it has also become more complex. If you take your cues from recent presidential campaigns, you’ll think that you will need a deep and extensive online operation. Truth is, many... Read More

5 Assumptions That Will Tank Your Campaign Website

Here are common assumptions that can cause problems for political campaigns. These issues can apply to those who already have campaign websites or are looking to start one. Assumption 1: You don’t need a campaign website. More and more, with the... Read More

Social Media Hacks For Your Political Campaign

Campaigning online is no simple task, especially for political campaigns and non-profit organizations with limited means. However, focusing your efforts and cultivating followers on specific platforms can pay off come Election Day. Politicians use... Read More