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Category: Campaign Writing

Learn about political writing and content strategy for your campaign website and print material. Effective communication is the cornerstone for any successful election.

Creating an Online Campaign Strategy Template

For many political candidates, creating a digital campaign strategy can be difficult. Just as you need a plan to attract volunteers and deliver signs, you’ll need to put together a marketing strategy for your online presence. These strategies are... Read More

Writing Content For Your Campaign Website – Examples

What should I write for my campaign website? This is a question that often comes up when we get a new campaign website client. Sometimes the candidate has just started their campaign and has not prepared their content ahead of time. The candidate may... Read More

Screwing Up Your Election Website

One of the best marketing tools a political candidate is a website. To put one together takes planning and work, particularly in putting together content. The quality of campaign websites vary as much as candidates themselves. Some are excellent, and... Read More

Sample Campaign Fundraising Letter

Below is a sample template for an initial fundraising appeal from a candidate to a friend or close acquaintance. This is a template letter from the Online Candidate Political Letter Templates package. To give you a better idea of how to create a... Read More

Squeezing The Most From Your Campaign Landing Pages

In the world of online marketing, building a targeted email list allows the merchant to market their product and service to this select group with a higher degree of success. The same technique applies to political email marketing. In this article, we... Read More

Use The Web To Set The Record Straight

Being attacked during a campaign is a given for virtually all political candidates. By knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, you can prepare yourself for these attacks. This allows you to respond quickly and confidently. Done properly, you have an... Read More