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Category: GOTV

Don’t slow down as Election Day approaches! Learn about effective get out the vote strategies and tips. Find out how to reach out to voters and supporters, and get them motivated to support your cause.

running for office in 2022

One Vote Can Make All The Difference

It’s true. A single vote can change the course of a local election – or it can even change history! Consider these examples: By one vote in 1875, France chose a republican rather than a monarchical form of government. One vote cost King... Read More

running for office in 2022

Winning Tips For Your Local Political Campaign

Running for office can be arduous, exhausting and frustrating…if you don’t know how to run a local political campaign. And we know that running for office, particularly if it’s your first time, can be overwhelming. But, it doesn’t have to be. ... Read More

Election Day – Now and Throughout the Year

For many candidates, Election Day is here. The general November elections always seem to get the most attention and greatest turnout. But other elections are also held throughout the year. There are school board, local elections  and primaries. For... Read More

3 Online Strategies For Your Campaign’s Final Stretch

As Election Day grows near, reaching out to voters becomes more and more critical. There are the obvious ways of  contacting them, such as through mailers and get-out-the-vote calling. Here are three ways to use your online resources to help get your... Read More