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Category: Campaign Writing

Learn about political writing and content strategy for your campaign website and print material. Effective communication is the cornerstone for any successful election.

campaign mistakes

6 Candidate Fails You Can Totally Avoid

There are many, many mistakes that candidates make during the course of a political campaign. It often has to do with something a candidate says or does in public. Since we deal with the online aspects of campaigning, we’ll stick to mistakes that... Read More

Campaign Email Templates Ebook Released

We are pleased to announce our latest ebook – Political Email Templates.  These email message templates are designed for easy editing and integration in your campaign email correspondence. Modify, reword and expand the text to suit your... Read More

writing letter to editor

Campaign Letter Writing Tips

Letters are a powerful way to influence public opinion. While you are likely get a few letters from close friends and supporters, it helps to have an organized letter-writing campaign to local newspapers and publications to help shape the issues and... Read More

179 Years of Presidential Slogans [Infographic]

Presidential campaign slogans have been around for as long as there have been elections. Here are all the slogans of US presidential candidates from 1840 – 2020. Enjoy! Courtesy of: https://edubirdie.com/ See more political infographs on our... Read More

5 Critical Pieces of Text Needed in a Campaign Website

At first glance, these items seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how often simple yet important information is left out of campaign websites. Here is a short list of critical text that should always be included when building out your political... Read More