Tag: general campaign tips

Dos and Don’ts for Political Campaigns in 2023

To run a successful political campaign, being online isn’t an option. No matter the position being sought, digital campaigning is now firmly part of the political process. Fortunately, reaching voters through the web can be done through a variety... Read More

What’s Your Campaign Theme?

For political purposes, your campaign theme covers a variety of elements which are used to communicate a political message. It should be based on a clear reason why a candidate is running for office and backed up by an overall identity that shapes the... Read More

campaign mistakes

6 Candidate Fails You Can Totally Avoid

There are many, many mistakes that candidates make during the course of a political campaign. It often has to do with something a candidate says or does in public. Since we deal with the online aspects of campaigning, we’ll stick to mistakes that... Read More

writing letter to editor

Campaign Letter Writing Tips

Letters are a powerful way to influence public opinion. While you are likely get a few letters from close friends and supporters, it helps to have an organized letter-writing campaign to local newspapers and publications to help shape the issues and... Read More

Sample Campaign Fundraising Letter

Below is a sample template for an initial fundraising appeal from a candidate to a friend or close acquaintance. This is a template letter from the Online Candidate Political Letter Templates package. To give you a better idea of how to create a... Read More