Announcing Your Candidacy for Political Office

Announcing Your Candidacy for Political Office

Successful political campaigns start with a big announcement. Of course, there’s a lot more that goes on behind the scenes before a candidate can publicly declare a candidacy. In this article, we will go through the steps and strategies in... Read More

What’s Your Campaign Theme?

What’s Your Campaign Theme?

For political purposes, your campaign theme covers a variety of elements which are used to communicate a political message. It should be based on a clear reason why a candidate is running for office and backed up by an overall identity that shapes the... Read More

A Sample of Our Best Political Website Designs

A Sample of Our Best Political Website Designs

Wondering what we think of our own work? In this post, we’ll show you some of our best political web designs. Normally, these types of posts about the ‘best campaign sites of the year’ are where design firms show off which websites... Read More

Our 2020 Election Year Review

Our 2020 Election Year Review

The 2020 election year was like no other. A global pandemic, economic problems, and widespread misinformation caused enormous upheaval in our daily life. It changed how we use the Internet for communication, shopping and education. It also accelerated... Read More

Final Push For 2021 – And An Eye On 2022

Final Push For 2021 – And An Eye On 2022

It’s that time of year again. With the November Election Day coming up (in the USA), we thought we’d put together a list of our top get out the vote (GOTV) articles. 3 Online Strategies For Your Campaign’s Final Stretch As Election Day... Read More