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Category: Campaign Writing

Learn about political writing and content strategy for your campaign website and print material. Effective communication is the cornerstone for any successful election.

Top Tips for Your Political Email Marketing

Political campaigns are always looking for new ways to reach out to potential voters. They are usually short on time, money, and resources, but they don’t want their message lost in the noise of the election season. This is why many marketing... Read More

handling negative social media for political campaign

Handling Negative Posts About Your Campaign

Politics – and especially local politics – can be vicious, especially on the web. And if you are a candidate, watch out! You will certainly face some sort of abuse online. It may be in posts, comments, or even through memes and... Read More

campaign website rankings

Why Your About Page Ranks Higher Than Your Home Page

From time to time, clients ask us why their campaign website isn’t ranking on Google for the candidate’s name. There are several reasons why a website may not rank. It usually has to do with the amount of time a website has been live. Just because... Read More

political campaign disclaimers

Three Essential Political Website Disclaimers

All US jurisdictions have laws covering the use of disclosure statements on political advertising. Specific items that both require a political disclosure statement include billboards, bumper stickers, sample ballots, newspaper ads, TV and radio ads,... Read More

confused voters

Confusing Messaging Only Confuses Voters

The old KISS principle means keep it simple, stupid. It basically means that things work best if things are kept simple rather than complicated. The principle works in design. It works in systems. And the KISS principle works in politics. A winning... Read More