The Most Important Call You Will Ever Make

The Most Important Call You Will Ever Make

Would you make a campaign stump speech to a crowd, then stop 90% of the way through, drop the mic, and just walk off the stage? Would you send a print piece detailing half your campaign on one side but then leave the other side blank? Of course you... Read More

7 Ways to Ruin a Campaign Website

7 Ways to Ruin a Campaign Website

Campaign websites are important for candidates to communicate with voters and spread their message. But there are many ways a website can go wrong and turn off voters. Here are some common mistakes that can make a campaign website lose credibility.... Read More

Developing Strong Messaging for Your Political Campaign

Developing Strong Messaging for Your Political Campaign

In any political campaign, the aim is to persuade the public to vote for the candidate by delivering a persuasive message. Developing an effective political message can mean the difference between victory and defeat. A solid strategy can help shape the... Read More

How Much Should You Doctor Your Candidate Head Shots?

How Much Should You Doctor Your Candidate Head Shots?

Most political campaign websites include a photograph of the candidate in the site header. It’s usually a head shot along with a logo and usually some sort of background image symbolically related to the location. Often when we get a head shot in... Read More