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Category: Political Advertising

There are more options than every for political candidates to reach voters and constituents. Learn about online political advertising and digital marketing strategies. Find out more about pay per click, social media ads, IP targeting and SMS texting.

Negative Linking Your Political Opponent

One online ‘dirty trick’ that is perfectly acceptable is to link to outside content about your opponent using the opponent’s name as the link text. For example: <a href=”https://www.localnewspaper.com/article/... Read More

Online Campaigning 2012 Social Media Survey Results

A while back we ran a social media survey just to see where political campaigns stood on using social media. As it turns out, even small campaigns are reaching a level of online sophistication that was unheard of just a few years ago. As a caveat, we... Read More

How Does Retargeting Grow Your Political Campaign?

Retargeting is a form of online advertising that allows you to serve ads to people who have visited your campaign website. A staple of big brands and small companies alike, retargeting is a powerful way to stay in touch with people who have... Read More

Are Short Links Blocking Your Campaign Email?

Link shortening services are a great way to reduce a long URL to a nice, short one. While these services have been around for quite a while, they’ve become very popular with the rise of Twitter and Facebook. While link shortening works well for... Read More